ECTA Excellence Trainee Awards 2025
Event Detail

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Please join us in celebrating new talent in the construction industry in Essex!
Over the years this event has become more and more popular and is seen as the highlight of ECTA’s year. It is an event designed to recognise all trainees, not just those on training schemes and not just those on site. We will be rewarding those trainees who have shown commitment, initiative and who have performed over and above what is required.
We would like to invite one person for FREE from each member company to join us. Any nominees will also attend FREE. However, this is a golden opportunity for you to showcase your company and bring any guests along- colleagues, clients, supply chain, or just good friends – at a cost of only £30+vat each.
There continues to be a vast skills shortage facing the construction industry. At ECTA we feel that anything that can highlight the benefits of working in construction and can encourage others into a career within the industry, has got to be a worthwhile investment. So, if any of our member companies have anybody that you would like to be recognised, please nominate them for an Award. Nominations indicate that your trainees are valued and are an important part of your team – which in turn helps to inspire others and increase company loyalty.
Could you sponsor the ECTA Awards Ceremony? ECTA are looking for non-members, ideally coming from within our supply chain to support this very worthwhile event. Please get in touch if you or anyone you know would like more information.